
Mixing, mastering and farting the album

Design by Mario Suter

The mixing sessions are done now, the labum will kick some real ass!!!! Patrick Matthey did an amazing job regardless some "internal" issues which occured within Ventura.
We mixed 17 tracks in 4 days.
The next step is mastering the album, which will be done on January the 7th @ Greenwood Studio.
We're still waiting for the drafts from our dear Mario Suter, the lucerner designer who's taking care of the album's cover. But I'm sure he'll do a fantastic job.



Thanx to everyone who came to see us (+ Cortez) at L'eBullition in Bulle last friday.It was an amazing evening for us, people seemed pretty enthusiastic about the set we played, some of the usual faces were there, but it was still a "test gig" since most of the audience didn't know Ventura and from where I was, I could hear some loud applauses, screamings and "yeeeeeeeaaah's".
Gwen, our sound man, did a fantastic job, I can say that sometimes Ventura is heavy, but friday night we were really heavy thanks to Gwen's touch.
So again.........thank you to everyone, the ebullition staff (your venue is beautiful), the cook for the delicious "Papet Vaudois" and Cortez for inviting us!!!