
Tournée française / French Tour 2011

Ventura sera en tournée en France, durant le mois de janvier 2011:

jan 14 - Limoges - La Fourmi
jan 15 - Bessenay - Le Prado
jan 16 - Orléans - Le 108
jan 17 - Nommay - Pinky Bar
jan 18 - Le Havre - Venue Tba
jan 19 - Rennes - Mondo Bizarro
jan 20 - Périgueux - La Bartola
jan 21 - Nantes - Olympic
jan 22 - Paris - La Flèche d'Or



Durant la nuit du 30 septembre, Ventura s’est agrandi d’une petite tête.

En effet, c’est avec un immense plaisir que Ventura annonce la naissance de Félix, fils de Mike, le papa et accessoirement batteur de génie dans Ventura, et Sophie, la maman.

Bienvenu à toi Félix !

On September 30, Ventura has added a cute little head to the lineup.

This is with an incredible pleasure Ventura can announce the birth of Félix, son of Mike, the dad and secondarily the genius drummer of Ventura, and Sophie, the mum.

Welcome to this world Félix!

« Simply the best fucking baby on earth ».


The Shipping News

For once, this won't be a Ventura related note, but it's worth the damn note!

The amazing Shipping News has joined the Africantape roster for Europe, and will release their new album One Less Heartless To Fear on November 16.

Until then, a brand new track, called The Delicate, is available to download on the Africantape digital store, and iTunes.
If you don't feel like giving a tiny bit of your money to own this great track, you can listen to it there, or you can also piss off.


Africantape 2010


New album "We Recruit" + 7'' feat. David Yow - OUT NOW!

Dear all,

Today is a magic day for Ventura.
Today is the official release of our latest album We Recruit, released through the extraordinary label Africantape.
But today is also the official release of our 7'' featuring David Lambeth Yow (ex-The Jesus Lizard, Scratch Acid, Qui).
If you fell like purchasing one of these item, or both, just click on the links below:

We Recruit (CD/Digital)

Purchase CD

Download Digital

VNTRDVDYW (7'' vinyl)

We wish to thank Serge Moratell, Julien Fernandez, Eline Müller, Reno Meichtry, Rob Gonella, Sophie Martin, and David Yow. Without you, these 2 records would have never seen the light.


Download Ventura feat. David Yow

The song It's Raining On One Of My Islands is now officially out on the digital world, and you can download it on our website:


The song is great, it sounds huge, and it's fucking free.



Ventura & David Yow in my pants

If you wanna know how was the whole Ventura featuring David Yow experience, simply click on the following link, sit back, and watch this great video!


David Yow, we salute you!

A big thank you to Mariexxme, Clément Mathon, and Valérie Paillé.


No more David Yow

We all went back home 4 days ago, David back to Los Angeles, and Ventura back to Lausanne.

It has been surely the most incredible 10 days in Ventura's career, and nothing will ever compete with this experience (unless next time, we go to LA and tour California with David).

This is impossible for us to write some sort of tour report, too many memorable moments, too many jokes, too many great conversations...it will all stay in our heads.

David Yow, son of a fighter pilot and a hillbilly, is a great man...in my pants.

Thank you, whoever you are, if you came to see us at one of these 5 shows.

Photo by Daniel Nowak