
Pa Capona on Semtex Magazine

The very good Belgium webzine Semtex did a nice review about Pa Capona. So this is with honour that I'll post it here:

Ventura: PA Capona
CD released on Get A Life
Our rating: 7 (out of 10)

Ventura is a young Swiss threesome featuring former members of Iscariote and Illford. After a split record with the noisecore band Cortez and a split with the space rockers Disco Doom, the band has now released its debut full-length called PA Capona on Get A Life records. The album comes in a beautifully designed brown cardboard box, limited to 1000 copies. PA Capona caught my attention right away and after more than 20 spins the last few days I'm totally convinced the future looks bright for these guys.
I like the sound of Ventura, that's for sure. It immediately reminded me of some great bands of the grandeur 90s (and beyond) Touch & Go era. Slint, Shellac, Superchunk even today's Pinback: every Ventura song vaguely hints to the richness of these bands. The dirty sound of the bass and guitar are heavenly. The song structures, the singing and the unattended noisy outbursts, along with the occasional singer's screams are equally great. Therefore surely, PA Capona never is boring. In the obscure field in between noise-rock and mature emo, Ventura writes dynamic songs with lots of devotion and inspiration.
Still I'm a bit puzzled as well. It's because of the voice I guess. By times I really like the singer's voice, but then again I'm not sure what to think about it. Some lyrics appear to be pretty shallow and I'm kind of annoyed by them. When Ventura's singer sings a line as "What the fuck is with you people - Why do you have to be - So goddamn - Violent all the time", I'm afraid it sounds a bit over the top and unreal. I mean the song sounds really emotional and true... but these lyrics just don't fit at all.
Oh well, I guess most people don't really take note of what singers are actually singing. So maybe I'm pushing this review in the wrong direction. Because believe me, Ventura sound really good. Their songs are hooky, dirty yet perfectly measured. The band skilfully switches from uncompromising noisy rock to beautiful melodies. If you're in for a sentimental journey back to the indie nineties, get your hands on this album. I'm watching out for one of their live shows.

We are still looking for shows in France for the first week of November, so if you want to be part of the adventure, send us an email to info@vntr.net