
Lozane's Burning IX

The now worldwide famous and annual Lozane's Burning evening has been announced, and Ventura will be again part of it.
It will take place on January 10th, 2009.

For all details regarding this evening, please click here.


Christmas with Ventura?

If Santa Claus forgot about you this year, or if again, your grand parents' gift was shitty like every year, come and enjoy some fantastic rock music with us!

We will play on December 26th at Le Romandie with the very old Favez from Lausanne.

One last thing, if you manage to spot what is wrong with this picture below, simply write us an email with your answer to info@vntr.net.
The first 3 winners will get all night free drinks from Ventura.


Gig update

A quick update to announce that we have been asked to share the stage with the great Dianogah, from Chicago.

The gig will take place on Tuesday, October 7th in Geneva (KAB/Usine).
Can't wait to hear their new tracks played live and also to meet the man behind those great gig posters.

So please, feel free to come and see us or get a fucking life!!


Gig with John Sars & Unhold

Our next gig planned will take place on September 26th at Sedel (in Luzern).
We will share the stage with John Sars, who are now part of the Ventura family, and the tremendous Unhold, who have recently released their new record Gold Cut.

If you believe Sunn O))) are real pussies who wear robes for homos and can only play songs tuned in C, come to the Sedel and you will listen to real good music.


LOMO pix

Here is my new photographic toy: a cheap Lomograph camera with fish eye.


The big thing previously announced is now officially out.

Hello (wonderful) Internet World,
We the people of Wentchoura are the proud parents of a seven inch.
It was born without major complications, weighs around 140grams and is now ready to join his
big brothers and sisters (they are three years older, which means they are ten inches).

Here's also a picture of **** (name is known from the Ventura crew) and his shorts
presenting this splendid item that is the seven inch.

Your eagle eyes will have noticed we haven't f***ed with you, we made it CLEAR.
And we also want to make it clear (ha) that it's a limited edition of 500 copies.
Which won't make it easier to sell.
Unfortunately, we have to remind you that we're only one ONE side of the thing.
The other one is occupied by John Sars.
We don't know who these guys are.

Still, we will try to sell those things, as they were very expensive to make (hence the subprimes' crisis).
You will probably find them here you're into telling the whole world what your
credit card numbers are.
Or you could try your luck at one of those shows we don't have.

Apart from that, Germany did beat the Turks 3-2, yesterday, at the St. Jakob Stadium in Basel,
where I used to live when I was a kid. No, I didn't live in the stadium.
And it's hot as hell these days.

We'd like to make a few musical suggestions too :

-(the) MELVINS "Nude with boots" (if you have (a) senile animal you don't need to buy this one, it's more or less the same record, but you can buy it for the cover. now by the way, where's that a senile animal 4xLP that HydraHead was supposed to release ??? )

-James Blackshaw "Litany of echoes"

-Bob Mould "District Line" (the best Sugar record in a very long time, apart from a few very annoying and useless effects on the vocals)

-Coalesce "Salt & Passage" (I have never listened to the same seven inch so many times as this one. Not only did I never imagine I'd hear a new Coalesce song one day, but they managed to re-invent themselves. Not to mention that they will release a whole new album some time soon...hope I live long enough to hear it.)

We wish you all the best, especially our beloved drummer, MIKEY, who is about to leave
for Viet-Nam to finish what the americans have begun.
We will miss him.But our hopes are high that he comes back.
Or not.

Now, all we have to add is ROGER FEDERER FOREVER.
(Roger, if you read this, could you send us something like, 25'000Chf, so we could go to the US to record another album, at Steve Albini's. Do it, we will send you our record in exchange)

Hope you are all very happy and all.

Los Venturas


Get A Life! in New York


Ventura in Paris

Last week end we played in Paris at the Mécanique Ondulatoire with Grand Final and Enablers.
I just want to thank everyone we met that night, you have made us very proud of being part of this incredible evening.

So in random order, we would like to deeply thank Greg Rejuvenation, Karine "Françoise Massacre", Olivier, Abir for coming all the way from Rennes, Thierry from T-DT-B, Nicolas from Music Fear Satan, Doris from Grand Final, Marixxme, everyone at GTOK? GTKO! and all the others that I forgot....

We hope to see you all soon.


Something big is about to come...



Updates, news and other stuff

We had a blast two week ends ago, playing with Equus in Vevey and John Sars in Zurich at the famous Rote Fabrik.

Thanks again to them for sharing these fine moments with us!!!!

Now, back to the usual news part....

As you probably know by now, we will play in Paris in March with the fucking excellent Enablers, the gig will take place in La Mécanique Ondulatoire (only French can find fucking names like that for a venue!!!) on March 28th.

We will also play in Fribourg at Le Nouveau Monde with our buddies from Berserk for Tea Time.
This gig will take place on April 12th.

And last but not least, the best fucking record label on earth is having its first night!!!!
Get A Life! Records will be celebrating its success, its good taste in independent music and its flourishing future.

Three bands from the Get A Life! roster will blast our ears until our pants are wet, these bands are Yog, Zatokrev and Vancouver.

The evening will take place at Le Romandie in Lausanne on Saturday, February 9th.

Please support the local scene and come to see these three cool bands, or if you don't, get a fucking life for fuck sake!!


Lozane's Burning 2008

Here is the wonder of internet!!!!

If you missed our attempt to cover 3 songs at the Lozane's Burning last week end, don't cry, just click on the following links.

Codeine "Pea"
Flaming Lips "Five Stop Mother Superior Rain"
Pavement "Loretta's Scars"
